A Product Worth Advertising

Our new manufacturing building.
“Goods not worth advertising are not worth selling.”
Calvin Coolidge Says December 6, 1930
After seventeen years of being in business, we know Garden Mats are worth telling others about. Hopefully, Silent Cal would be proud of us too, and not just because he was from Vermont.
Every garden for us is an advertisement — every time the mats go down. It is no surprise to us that 60% of our new sales come from word of mouth, thanks to our existing customers. The integrity of word of mouth advertising is the oldest form of advertising on the planet. And we believe it’s the best. Even if a lot of it today happens over the internet.
Yes, we make and sell mats. And lots of them. But honestly, we are not in the business of making and selling mats.
We actually are in business of helping people meet their food supply needs. We provide all the benefits of 100% organic gardening and eliminate 95% of the labor. Best of all, it happens right in your back yard. Not everyone can afford organic farm to table produce, but even if you can, there is something intrinsically better when you grow your own.
We want to hear more about your Garden Mat experiences, stories and how we make your life easier.
We now sell in 48 States, Canada and Europe. So, it is high time for us to solicit more testimonials.
Send us your Garden Mats story and tell us about growing your own.
We would love to get a testimonial from each of the 36 States not represented on our website yet. We especially want to hear from people who do not want to waste their money on a flimsy product, not worth advertising or selling!
Tell it like it is and help us spread the word.
Peter, The Mat Man
Nice promotion peice, Peter👍🏻😃 Sandy
Thank you!! Always appreciate the feedback.
We moved up to NH 4 years ago, had NO idea about gardening, so with the acreage and a garden already started, we widened it, added to it and planted. Weeding is NOT one of my ‘strengths’. The weeds took over and I only had what was in the raised beds. Our friend, Bob, has a BEAUTIFUL garden and when I saw those mats, I KNEW that would do the trick. So the next season I fitted the ALL our gardens with the mats, even the raised beds. MAGIC! That is the ONLY word I can think of! Wished we put them in the FIRST year!(we didn’t know about them, nor did we know Bob yet lol). I weed very little, if any, and my plants do BEAUTIFULLY!
It costs $$, yes, but you will use them over and over and over! The quality is SUPERB! I pull them up at the end of the season, hang them on my line, rinse them down, let them dry, roll them up, VIOLA…ready for next season…easy peasy…..they PAY for themselves in the LONG run. Our time is valuable! These mats are PRICELESS!
Thanks Garden Mats! *hugs*
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This is the kind of story we love to hear!!!
I love growing plants, especially those I can eat! I have a very small backyard, so most of my produce is grown in community garden plots with stringent rules and restrictions regarding weeds.My Garden Mats keep the weeds at bay, and I can spend my garden time on activities that focus on promoting the growth of my plants.Stephanie, Livermore, CA
Hope some of your other community gardeners see how little you are there during the summer.
The mat’s pre-cut holes:
I am putting in new landscaping this spring – the house I purchased is over 20 years old. The person before me installed raised rock flower beds and lots of mulch. Some of the hydrangeas lived; most of the plants will be new. How far apart are the holes; if I need to cover the hole, do I just put a smaller piece under the mat to cover the hole? Do you mulch over or under the mat? I have an area where I do not want anything to grow. I thought I would put solid matting down to prevent any grass/week growth, and then rubble rock on top of the mat. What do you think? I want zero to grow in this place. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you. Carlie
Our material is designed strictly as a top cover. That means, do not put anything on top of them, not bark mulch or stone. If you do eventually weed seeds will blow onto the bark mulch or stones and grow. Once they grow they will root through the material and pin it down.
I hate weeding, thought this might work for me but after reading that you don’t put any mulch or stone on top of the mats I’m not so sure. I don’t grow vegetables just like having pretty flowers, and I do like having stone and/or mulch in the flower beds to make it more attractive but those darn weeds just keep popping up. So is it safe to say that your product is best used and recommend more so for vegetables than flowers?Guess I’m just going to be hopelessly devoted to weeding.
Thank You,
Yes, our product is more for vegetable growers. But we do have many customers that use it the way you want to use it, with bark mulch or stone on top. What we tell them is that weeds will eventually grow in the mulch and stone and root into the material. Unfortunately weeds have learned to survive the last 2000 years and we will be dealing with them for the rest of our years.
Good luck!!!