Fire Destroys Garden Mats Business
Very few of our customers know our history. Garden Mats actually started as a result of a house fire on our wedding day, on August 4, 2001. I spent the fall and winter rebuilding. When I went to reclaim the gardens the following spring – they were a mess — I said to myself: “There must be a better way! Weeding is a waste of time.”
I started with a $356 investment. I made some prototypes and started to do a lot of research. That’s how Garden Mats was born in the spring of 2002.
Last year was our 20th anniversary. This was to be our 21st year. Unfortunately, the Garden Mats business and factory burned to the ground on January 21, 2023.
You can see us in the news if you’d like to learn more.
We sincerely apologize to all our returning customers and new customers who want to purchase Garden Mats for the 2023 growing season. Unfortunately, we are temporarily closed.
We are moving forward swiftly, with enthusiasm, optimism, and encouragement. We hope to have a grand reopening in the fall. So, stay tuned. You can get updates here at our website
We expect to have online sales resume next winter for the 2024 growing season.
If you want to help with our recovery, you can go to our GoFundMe fundraiser.
We appreciate the widespread support we have received from family, friends, the community, and our customers in Vermont and across the US and Canada. It has been truly uplifting.
Thanks so much.
With gratitude,
The Mat Man
I am so very sorry to read this awful news. I’m glad no one was hurt. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family and staff.
Thank you for your kind words and support. We are thankful that no one was hurt.
We will recover.
Thank you.
I wanted to be a first time customer this winter but it looks like I have to wait.
Very disappointed.
We share in your disappointment. Every year, roughly a third of our customers are returning customers. However, the other two thirds are new. While we appreciate everyone’s patronage, we always look forward to the responses we get from new customers. Whether they are a beginner, novice, master gardener or commercial grower, we have a product that delivers the same quality and affordability to everyone.
The fact that we have had less than 10 returns in 20 years says volumes. We are very proud of that record. And to add a little humor, we ask every customer who returns their mats for a refund, why they were not satisfied. One customer actually said: “Because weeds grew wherever there were holes.” We had to chuckle.
I’m so sorry about your business, I love love your mats your garden mats. I’ve use them over and over and over again. Hope to see you in business again, thank you.
We share in your disappointment. Every year, roughly a third of our customers are returning customers. However, the other two thirds are new. While we appreciate everyone’s patronage, we always look forward to the responses we get from new customers. Whether they are a beginner, novice, master gardener or commercial grower, we have a product that delivers the same quality and affordability to everyone.
The fact that we have had less than 10 returns in 20 years says volumes.
We hope you can wait until next fall / winter when we are back in business.
With gratitude,
Wishing you all the best, hopefully I can get some new mats in a few months
We appreciate your support. We expect to be back in business in the fall. Stay tuned… for updates go to
With gratitude,
This is so sad, I’m so sorry for all you are going through (again). I’ll be waiting for you to reopen and I will be buying more! Stay strong!
Thank you for the amazing products!
Thanks for your words of encouragement and support. We will stay strong!
We have two things in our corner, amazing products and amazing customers, like you!
With gratitude,
Now that you have gone through the fire experience twice now, is there some valuable lessons to be learned?
1. First, check with your local fire department. They maybe a source of a wealth of information based on their training and experiences.
2. Is there a way to incorporate an low cost sprinkler system that would activate automatically even when you are not home or asleep?
3. Do you have local public water available or access to a farm pond?
Option: a 500 – 1000 gallon plastic water tank that you can fill from the gutters of your buildings.
4. Store raw materials and finished goods in a separate shelters so that if a fault occurs in the manufacturing area it will not wipe out the whole business.
5. Install over temperature sensors on hot equipment so the power is shut down before a fire occurs.
6. Have a policy of No Smoking indoors to eliminate another potential threat.
7. Install hand fire extinguishers at strategic locations.
8. Train all personnel (with help of fire dept.) how to put out fires.
9. Keep all brush and dry grass trimmed and away from buildings.
10. And of course it goes with out saying that you need adequate fire insurance which is kept up to date as the business grows.
I realize that you are a small business but these things do not have to cost an arm and a leg. Maybe some of your current customers and pending ones as well may have more ideas our joint futures.
Gary Gates
Your ten points are spot on. We had them all covered except for #2. You will be pleased to know I just ordered a new machine and the first item on my list of changes was a fire suppression system.
Thanks for your suggestions.
With gratitude,
Sorry to see your disaster.Look forward to purchasing with you again.
Like I just replied to the previous customer, we thank you for your words of encouragement and support. We will stay strong!
We have two things in our corner, amazing products and amazing customers, like you!
Look for updates at
With gratitude,
hope everyone is safe and speedy return!!!!
Bob and Cathy,
Everyone is safe. Like I said to the fire personnel, there were no goldfish in there, so we’re good.
We are moving ahead swiftly, with enthusiasm, optimism, and encouragement. When handed lemons, make hot lemonade. That’s what we’re doing. Stay warm.
Thanks again for your support.
So sorry to hear about the fire. That’s a terrible loss after all your hard work. I’ll keep up on your website and look forward to seeing your products when you’re up and running! Best, and good luck! ~~Cindy Langley
Thanks so much. Yes, a terrible loss. Unexpected and unwelcome. Thankfully, no one was hurt.
We already put wings on our recovery and feel a strong wind on our backs.
We appreciate your support.
With gratitude,
No apologies necessary, Peter! Love your product and service and will be here with orders as soon as you are already. As long as no one was hurt, all else can be replaced, as you well know. God bless!
I appreciate your comment, “no apologies necessary.” And yet, I also still feel bad, and not just for a lost business year. I feel bad that thousands of customers who want to supplement their food supply with fresh organic vegetables grown in their own back yards, will have to put their plans on hold.
Hopefully 2024 will be a banner year and the fire will be well behind us.
Thanks for your support, and yes, thank goodness no one was hurt. All else can be replaced. And it is all impermanent. Including us.
With gratitude,
So sorry! I will see you in 2024.
Thanks for being a loyal customer! Yes, you will see us in 2024! And hopefully decades after that!
Your support is much appreciated.
With gratitude,
So sorry to see this but are thankful there were no injuries. Will pray for a speedy rebuild and faithful customers to stand by you. We love our mats!
We are so thankful for our customers. Whether they are commercial growers or home gardeners, whether they have one 4′ X 6′ Mat #7 for tomatoes or cover a thousand square foot garden, we want them all to have an amazing high-quality product at an affordable price.
We are confident customers like you will be there when we recover. Thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Learning of the fire is heart breaking! Truly heart breaking! Why must you have been faced with a second devastating loss, home then business?
Knowing you from the past at least, you will likely pick yourself up from the shock, stand up straight and begin to rebuild. This is a distinct and an admirable aspect of who you are. But also please allow yourself a time to feel sad and mourn the loss. Your business was an original and beautiful creation. And 10,000 customers have benefited from your determination and hard work.
I will be mourning with and for you in this loss. And I am quite certain there will be thousands more surrounding you in these days.
Love and light,
Thank you so much for your heartfelt support. It means so much.
Impermanence. A word that captures life and gives meaning to every day.
Love and light back at you.
Hi Peter,I have used your mats for a few years and love them! If I can be of help to you in your rebuilding, please let me know.Greg Paus, ArchitectSilver Ridge Design, Inc., ArchitectsPO Box 3237 Paus LaneHyde Park, Vermont 05655802 888-2400
Thank you for writing and offering your support and help. It is music to my ears when I hear the words, “love them”!
I will give you a call in the next day or so. I actually have a couple of design improvements and could use some feedback.
So sorry to hear this! Your mats are great!
Thank you for your support! We will be back in business by next winter. So look for updates at
Dear Peter, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You have joined a rather rarified group. Sometimes it takes a total loss to understand what is important in life. my house burned to the ground in 1974. I was young, but losing everything is quite formidable, especially when you go to replenish…… my most pronounced loss were my books and my art…….original, Through the Looking Glass and many more….you will survive and now you get to rebuild in a way using 22 years of experience……As for me, 50 years in both the sawmill biz and commercial fishing has managed to wear my bones @74. Everyone has a story….mine, I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration 2 years back and I have developed a product called “Eye Tea” to help keep my eyesight……there are over 80 million of us affected…….so in a way, my house burned down again (eyes) and I have invented a tea that hopefully will give many hope and help… From River Valley Tea Farms and eye tea… a new beginning….a new future. Take care of yourself, Best to you, Duncan
Your story inspires me. Never give up. I have total empathy for your loss of your house in 1974. Our house also burned to the ground on our wedding day 21 years ago, which is how Garden Mats was born. So, I feel like I have come full circle.
I also will look up your Eye Tea. It inspires me that you invented a tea that gives hope and help to yourself and others.
Thank you for your support.
All the best,
Do you have a website for River Valley Tea Farms? Please post it on this blog. Others may want to contact you.
Sorry for the loss of your business. I hope your rebuilding is fast because you make a great product.
Thank you for your support. We expect to be back in business by next winter. And ready for the 2024 growing season.
You can go to for updates on our progress.
Take care,
Mat Man: WE did not know!! How awful for you to go through this twice!! We admire your resilience and determination! Gary & Bobbi Dean
Gary and Bobbi,
Thank you for your support and encouragement. We expect to be back in business by next winter. And ready for the 2024 growing season. So, stay tuned and go for updates.
Best regards,
So sorry to hear about the fire. I used your mats for first time in 2022 and loved them! May you be blessed with a quick recovery to your business.
Best wishes.
So glad you like the mats! And we appreciate your support and encouragement. I promise we will be back in business, ready for the 2024 growing season.
You can keep track of our progress by going to for updates. Or feel free to send us an email.
Thanks again.
I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. Having lost everything when my house caught fire many years ago, I remember the shock and sense of loss. Your building was so attractive, but now you will have the opportunity to build something new and better than what you had before, so when you are done, you will have a reminder of your resilience every time you look at it.
I redid my garden last year and replaced all my garden mats with new ones to accommodate a different design (see attached). The old ones were still fine, so they got a new life in my son’s garden and can spend their next 12 years there. Thank you for making such a quality product. I wish you all the best and look forward to buying new mats when I expand my garden next year.
Best regards, Lori Alquier
Thank you so much for your support and sharing your story. We plan to rebuild the same building on the same footprint, with a few minor improvements.
Glad to hear how much you like Garden Mats. Even sweeter that you passed them on to your son! Unfortunately, your attachment did not come through. You can send it via email to I always like to see how different people use them.
We plan to reopen next winter. You can look for updates on our website
Thanks again for your kind words of support.
Peter. So sorry to hear about the fire. Will keep you your family and your business in our prayers. Love your product and am glad you are able to continue even with this huge trial.
I will say I put your product to the test in that due to life circumstances I was not able to plant a garden last year. So for 18 months the garden was not touched and the weeds took over but I still had my garden mats laid out.
Even with so much time the areas of my garden covered with garden mats only had weeds growing in the planting holes but under the garden mat nothing but dirt.
Some mats are 7 years old and still work great.
Thank you for making such a high quality product that works as advertised
Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am sorry that you were unable to plant your garden last year. In the meantime, I am pleased to hear how well the mats helped protect your soil from being depleted of nutrients from weeds, until you can plant again.
We appreciate your feedback and testimonial about the quality of our products.
Hope you get to plant again this spring.
Best regards,
so very sorry to read thisbless you all this will make you stronger…….hard to hear now, but……when things happen something good always comes of it…….oh how well i knowpatricia customer….will look forward to seeing you online this next winter or sooner!
Thank you for your support and encouragement. We are moving forward swiftly, with enthusiasm and optimism. We plan to have a grand reopening in the fall. So, stay tuned. You can get updates at
Hi, so sorry your business has been destroyed… I have kept up my garden because of garden mats and passed the word on to friends.the mats are wonderful and has kept me gardening at age 82.
Hope to see you opening again Dianne
Like the previous customer said… when things happen something good always comes of it!! How true. Please keep telling your friends. And we will keep rebuilding as fast as we can. We did it once and we can do it again.
So very sorry to hear about this. Was just about to order more. They are the best. All the best to you with your rebuilding.
Val ‘O’
Val ‘O’,
Thank you for being one our most loyal customers. I am sorry we will be unable to help you expand your garden this year.
We all look forward to our grand reopening in the fall. For updates you can go to
Peter, So sorry to hear this news.
We’ll get through this just like our wedding fire 21 years ago. And something better will certainly come of it. Who knows, maybe a new invention for me to pursue in my retirement…. Haha!
I’m so sorry that you lost another building to fire. There must be something that you can do to keep this from happening again!Greg
So, I finally cracked the pattern. These fires seem to happen to us every twenty years. So, the plan is to move in 19 years. And take a fire extinguisher.
I’m so sorry. I was a commercial grower for many years and came to love your products, encouraging friends and family to give them a try. Glad to hear you are rebuilding!
Michael Johnston IMPORTANT NOTICE: Never trust wiring instructions sent via email. Cyber criminals are sending emails with fake wiring instructions that can be very convincing and appear to come from a party involved in a transaction. Always independently confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number – do not use the phone number in an email.
We have many commercial growers like you that rely on Garden Mats to optimize their yield and save on labor. We are sorry we are out of business for this growing season. We plan to be back in business this fall, which is the best time for commercial growers to order.
Thank you for your kind words and your loyalty and support.
Peter, I cannot believe I didn’t know about this tragedy. We returned from a reunion of Bobbie’s India high school in Florida that evening. Your hopefulness and resilience is remarkable. Reminds me of a haiku poem. “When my barn burned down God gave me a better view of the moon.” If we can be helpful in any way let me know. Ben Chase
Yes, very unexpected, and unwelcome. Thank you for your support. I am just sorry everyone in America will not have a chance to see your testimonial commercial this spring. Oh well. It is what it is.
And I love the haiku poem. It resonated so well that I looked it up and here is what I found:
“After watching his barn burn to the ground, 17th Century samurai and poet Mizuta Masahide wrote the following haiku. ‘Barn’s burnt down now I can see the moon’.”
This event also reminds me of the Chinese character for “crisis,” which is actually made from two characters together “danger” and “opportunity.” I know from my own life experience that I have the ability and wherewithal to turn this tragedy into another triumph.
Here is my haiku:
When my business burned
It gave me a clearer vision
Of impermanence.
Hopefully you have enough Garden Mats to get through until 2024.
Peter, I, and my wife Debbie, formerly lived in Worcester in 2010, renting a house from the Paul White family after our move from Florida. I had heard of your business from a nurse that I worked with at the hospital who was born and raised in Worcester. On our day off from work, we made the 10-minute drive to your business. We were very impressed with your product and purchased several hundred dollars worth of mats. We now and have lived in Corinth since 2011 and use the garden mats every year for our gardening (many of which are still un-opened awaiting future use). We were gutted to hear of the loss of your business! There seems to be a rash of unexplained fires in the last 2 years of businesses in the food production industry. I have the link to your GoFundMe effort and will be making a substantial donation on your behalf. When you rebuild, we will make the drive to Worcester to make further purchases as continued support.
All The Best……….Fred Weddle
Thank you for your encouraging words and support. I am glad to hear you have a private stash of unopened Garden Mats. I’d be careful about spreading that information around. You may be getting some inquiries from this post. Where do you live in Corinth? I used to live in West Topsham on Pike Hill and went to Oxbow High School in Bradford. Small world!
We hope to see you at our grand reopening in the fall. For updates you can go to We may even have a few mats to sell by that point. Stay tuned.
We continue to enjoy the mats we purchased from you 14 years ago. You represent a great product. Best wishes for you and your future rebuilt business.
Thank you for writing. This will be our 21st year in business. And I have to say, when I hear from customers like you, who have had Garden Mats for 12, 13, 14 and sometimes 15 years, it makes me proud. When I started this business, I absolutely wanted to be environmentally friendly. I did not want to put another plastic product on the planet that would be thrown away after one or two years — like most weed suppression products on the market today. I wanted the highest quality product I could produce, at an affordable cost, and would last as long as 10 years. I love it when I hear that we exceed those 10 years for many of you.
If anything, I want to begin to have material made that will last even longer. So, stay tuned.
I heard about the fire on our local TV news station. Good luck with the rebuild and I am looking forward to placing an order in 2024.
Thank you for taking the time to write. We appreciate the support.
We are moving ahead swiftly, with optimism, enthusiasm, and encouragement. Stay tuned… at
We thank you in advance for your 2024 order!!
So sorry to hear this. Praying for you and your family. I love my garden mats they have made gardening so easy and great harvests. I was going to get a couple more this year but can use what I’ve got and get them later.
Garden mats are the best. I won’t buy any others they just don’t compare.
Thank you for your great product and customer service. Hope your recovery is swift and you come back better. 💚🍓🍉🍅🥕🥦🌽🥒🧅🍆🌻
Thank you for the great testimonial about the quality of our product and service. We appreciate your customer loyalty.
We promise our recovery will be swift. We feel the wind on our backs.
With gratitude,
Peter,I’m so sorry!! I know how hard you’ve worked to make your business a success. Garden mats are the best…they last for years, keep the weeds at bay, and are of reasonable cost. So glad to hear that the mats will be available in the fall. Best of luck to you!!!
Sandra Robinson
Sandra and Pete,
Hey, thank you for your kind words and support. It’s long-time colleagues from way back in a former life, who have now become Garden Mats fans, that’s what really keeps me going. As you well know, I spent 40+ years working with people.
Now I make holes, alone, in silence most of the time. Thank God. It really gives me time to think and appreciate life. And I love it. When people who do not know me ask what I do, I say I make holes for a living, I make Garden Mats. And I often add, what I am really in business to do is help people supplement their food supply with fresh organic vegetables grown in their own backyard. And I try to do that at an affordable cost.
Thanks again for your support. And I look forward to seeing you at the factory sale in 2024.
With gratitude,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your business due to the fire. My heart sunk as I read the email and watched the video. I am certainly glad that no one was injured or worse.
I was impressed with the performance of the mats that I used during the 2022 season. I was just about to place an order for additional mats for the upcoming growing season here in NW Virginia.
Please know that when you have rebuilt and are again online, you have a customer in Virginia waiting to patronize your business again.
Thank you for the kind words. We are very thankful that a third of our customers are repeat customers. It certainly makes us want to put even larger wings on our recovery. We know you will be waiting.
Please look for us online again, ready for sales this fall. Stay tuned at
I heard about the fire on our local TV news station. Good luck with the rebuild and I am looking forward to placing an order in 2024.
Margo Howland
White River Junction, VT
Thank you in advance for your 2024 order. We appreciate your customer loyalty. This unexpected and unwelcome event will not deter us from recovering as swiftly as we can, with enthusiasm, optimism, and determination.
With gratitude,
Hi there Peter, Sorry to hear about your loss again due to a fire. I saw the video and I must say you seem very hopeful and positive about this loss. Looking forward to your future garden mats.
Thank you for writing. It was an unexpected, unwelcome, loss. We were so excited about this year. We were just about to expand our TV commercial advertising to 5-6 new states. That will all have to wait until next year. In the meantime, we are extremely optimistic about our recovery.
Like I used to say when I ran prisons in a previous career, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.
Peter I am so sorry Sounds like you haven’t been very lucky with fires I hope to see you up and running again better than ever Cindee Pugh
Thank you for your words of support and encouragement. We are already up and running with the rebuild. And I feel better than ever.
With gratitude,
God bless you and your family! I have always been happy with my mats and your service! I look forward to working with your NEW and IMPROVED
We definitely plan to come back, NEW and IMPROVED. We appreciate your kind words and support.
Stay tuned… at
With gratitude,