Garden Wisdom & Mat News
Raid the root cellar and roast it.

This is a perfect time of year to raid the root cellar and roast it. Carrots, garlic, beets, red and yellow onions, red, white and blue potatoes, fennel, cabbage and a few kinds of…
keep reading »Finally, a weed barrier that works!

We researched material all over the planet for a weed barrier that would work. We started with what was available. And frankly, that was not much and not that good. We looked at every…
keep reading »A Perfect Time to Plant Some Herbs

Every year about this same time I start to imagine the smell of fresh herbs, especially purple basil and lemon thyme. Right in the dead of winter. I have no idea why. I have…
keep reading »Enter Now to Win $150 Worth of Products

We love it when customers tell it like it is. For all of our loyal customers, and the countless others that you have told, we want to celebrate and thank you for our fourteenth…
keep reading »Plant in Succession

A number of customers who came for a garden tour this past weekend asked me how we are able to grow fresh baby lettuce all season. The answer is succession planting. If you love…
keep reading »Tomato Joke

An old man lived alone in the country. One spring, he wanted to dig his tomato garden but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His only son, Max, who used…
keep reading »A Plug for the Plug Planter

A few years back one of my customers said to me: “You have a great product, but tell me something. When you plant starter plants how do you move the dirt to the side…
keep reading »More Than a Weed-Barrier, It’s a System

Yup, we sell a weed barrier. But not just any weed barrier. We believe we have the best weed barrier on the market. Understandably, that’s our biggest selling point. We make no bones about…
keep reading »The Birth of the Potato Chip

Up State New York is the original home of the potato chip. In 1853, railroad and steamship magnate Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt complained that his potatoes were cut too thick and sent them back to…
keep reading »Got Mulch? The Garden Mats Guide to Mulch and Mulch More

My dog-eared, thirty-five year-old Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines “mulch” as “a protective covering (as of sawdust, compost, or paper) spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion,…
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